How to increase your average sale using GitKash

How to Increase Your Average Sale Using GitKash

Increasing your average sale can be a great way for retailers to make more money without acquiring more customers. There are lots of ways to go about this, including selling high-end items, increasing prices, or offering more services. And now, the GitKash app  offers another way for retailers to extract more value from their customers — custom offers that encourage higher spending.

Here’s how to increase your average sale using GitKash.

Create a Special Offer for the First Purchase

Offering a special to customers on their first purchase is a great way to increase sales and encourage customer loyalty. Customers are more likely to make a purchase if they feel like they are getting a good deal. By offering a something special, businesses can entice customers who might otherwise be on the fence about making a purchase.

To sweeten the pot even more, this first discount should be a no-brainer for the customer. Offering a high-value incentive (like 20% cash back on their entire purchase) can encourage customers to spend more with you on their first visit. This lets them explore more of your store and products and feel like they’re getting something amazing in return.

Offer Attractive Deals with a Minimum Purchase

To keep the loyalty flowing, GitKash makes it easy to continue creating offers your customers will love (and use!). Just create deals for customers who spend a minimum amount.

For example, you can give customers $5 cash back if they spend $25 or more. This incentivizes customers to spend more with your store and get something valuable in return.

Combine GitKash with Other Strategies to Increase the Average Sale

Retailers that aim to increase the average sale typically resort to offering more expensive items, increasing their prices, or offering additional services. For example, by bringing in luxury items, you can automatically increase sales without having to raise prices across the board. Customers are usually willing to spend a little more on premium items. Increasing prices can also do the trick, as long as the prices remain reasonable and within your target market’s reach.

And if it makes sense to your business, you could offer ancillary services like gift wrapping, personal shopping, or even home delivery. Each of these services offers immense benefits to the customer, and many would be willing to pay extra for them.

Combine these strategies with GitKasp offers and you’ll have plenty of ways to increase your store’s revenue without having to spend money marketing to new customers.

Improving Every Sale with GitKash

The GitKash platform lets you see at a glance how your offers are driving sales and loyalty. Create custom offers in seconds, change or remove offers that aren’t getting results, and maintain the offers that are helping your store thrive. Increasing the average sale with incentives gives your customers more reasons to choose you, every time!

Here’s how you can promote GitKash in your store to drive sales and turn customers into lifelong fans.

Why You Need to Do In-Store Promotions

In a highly competitive market, retaining existing customers is key to success. Loyalty programs help do this by encouraging customers to keep coming back.

When customers are aware of a loyalty program and its benefits, they’re more likely to sign up and participate. Their participation is key, as it will encourage your customers to keep coming back.

Studies have shown that loyal customers spend more money and are less price-sensitive than those who aren’t enrolled in a loyalty program. With a little promotion, you can help your GitKash loyalty program take off like a rocket!

GitKash In-Store Promotion Ideas

Once you implement your GitKash program, it’s time to start enrolling your customers and turning them into lifelong fans. Here are some ways you can spread the word and let customers start using the program.

Post GitKash Signs and QR Codes in Your Store

QR codes make it easy for shoppers to sign up for GitKash. They can scan the code with their phones, download the app, and create their account right there in your store. It only takes a minute, and the rewards they’ll receive will be worth the effort.

Post signs around your store displaying the code and any special incentives customers will receive for signing up. You might even consider a special sign-up bonus they can use on their first purchase.

Email and Text Your Customer List

Spread the word via your email and SMS text list. Include a link to GitKash as well as information on special incentives to drive customers into your store.

Hand Out Flyers at the Door

Do a special GitKash launch promotion on your busiest days of the week. Stop customers in their tracks by handing out flyers at the door. Include a QR code to sign up for GitKash and let customers know what’s in it for them.

Share on Social Media

Share a digital copy of your GitKash promotion on your social media channels. Customers can sign up before they arrive at your store and get excited about the savings before they shop.

Drive Sales and Build Loyalty with GitKash!

GitKash is here to support you with ideas, inspiration, and tips to get the most sales from your loyalty program. Schedule a demo today!

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